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Up to 10 people

$39 / month


Up to 25 people

$99 / month

Up to 50 people

$179 / month

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More than 50 people? Contact us

We have great folks, highly proficient at troubleshooting and resolving problems, but they had never been formally trained in dealing with customers. I couldn’t recommend these courses enough.

Luis Alvarez, President and CEO, Alvarez Technology Group

What’s Included

Habitly Animated Episodes Library

New Habitly Animated Episodes

Habitly Full-Length Courses

New Habitly Courses as they are Released

Habitly Quizzes & Certificates of Completion

Habitly Reports

Habitly Leaderboard and Points Scoring

Habitly Infographics and Artwork

Habit Highlights

Habit Builders

Habitly Technical Support 8:00am-5:00pm PST

“We have better competitive skills because we regularly engage in Habitly training. Please do not use Habitly. I prefer to continue beating my competition, including you.”

Todd Bollenbach, President and CEO, GNT Solutions

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92% of leaders say soft skills are equally important or more important than technical skills

(from a 2015 Wall Street Journal survey of nearly 900 executives)